Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Community Helpers

Community Helpers 

 We started a new unit this week about communities. We are using a unit study called "Animal Town" but I don't have any information I can really give you except the publisher and address.
We start each day reading the story. We've talked about the words that rhyme - which they underlined in their copies. We learned how to put the different professions in alphabetical order. Each day I set out a different dramatic play center in my living room. I will update the blog throughout the week as we do each one. 
Here's a sample of the unit's Language component

On Tuesday I set up a doctor's office/Hospital.
Administering some medicine

Listening to the heartbeat

The doctor hard at work

On Wednesday I set up a grocery store.

Working the cash area

Setting up the store

Deep into the play !

On Thursday we spent time learning how to use the phone and who to call for emergency help. It is so important to teach your child how to use all the phones in the house. Some are simple and only require lifting the receiver. However, others you need to press "talk" or know how to unlock the phone in order to use it.

 We also learned our own phone number and practiced good telephone manners. Here's the printable I used

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